vatican city child has ever been born in this small country vatican city know reason

vatican city child has ever been born in this small country vatican city know reason

There are many countries in the world which are known for their different characteristics. But today we are going to tell you about a small country, which you will be surprised to hear about. You recognized it right, today we are talking about the world’s smallest country, Vatican City. Let us tell you that this country was formed on 11 February 1929. This country has turned 95 years old. No child has been born here in such a long time. Know what is the reason behind this.

Roman Catholic

Let us tell you that all the big religious leaders of Roman Catholic Christianity live here. The Pope is the ruler here. In fact, when this country was created, it was clear that this country would work only for Roman Catholic Christians. In fact, you can also say that all the Catholic churches and Catholic Christians in the whole world get their orders from here. The Catholic Church around the world and its priests and major religious leaders are controlled from here.

First of all, you should know that after the formation of this country, there was discussion many times as to why there is no hospital here. This was also demanded but every time it was rejected. Here, when someone becomes seriously ill or a woman is pregnant, she is either sent to a hospital in Rome or arrangements are made to send her to her respective country.

Vatican City

According to the information, the decision not to open a hospital in Vatican City was probably taken due to its small size and the proximity of quality medical facilities in the surrounding area. The size of Vatican City is only 118 acres. There is no hospital here. All patients have to go to clinics and hospitals in Rome for care. There is no delivery room in Vatican City, so no child can be born here.

According to the information, natural baby delivery has never happened here. Because whenever a woman here becomes pregnant and her delivery time comes near. So according to the rules here, she has to go out of here until she gives birth to a child. This is a rule which is followed very strictly. This is the reason why no child has ever been born in Vatican City in 95 years. There is also a reason that no one ever gets permanent citizenship in Vatican City. All the people who live here, stay here only till their tenure, till then they get temporary citizenship.

read this also: 800 people live in this country of the world, only Christians can get citizenship

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